As part of our encoding process, please note the following guidelines:

Normal Business Hours: Encoding requests are processed manually during our normal business hours. These hours are Monday to Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Pacific Time (PT).

Exceptions: On holidays and days Mediabase offices close early (which will be posted on the Mediabase website), there may be adjustments to our normal encoding schedule.

High Priority Releases: For high priority releases outside of normal business hours, please make prior arrangements with Mediabase. Otherwise, all encoding requests will be handled on the following business day.

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Song Information

Exact Artist:*
Featured Artist:
Label Listing:
Exact Title:*
Official Release Date (mm/dd/yyyy):*
Track ISRC:
Album Title (if applicable):
Album UPC:
Album Release Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Independent Label?
No Yes
Christmas/Hanukah Music?
No Yes
Canadian Content (CanCon)?
No Yes
Artist website URL:
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Song Audio

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Note: Only 1 audio file may be uploaded per submission.